"Saya ada Kawan.." | Boros Di Aralom

Khamis, 18 Mac 2010

"Saya ada Kawan.."

Ni satu lagi cerita real-story yg saya nak kongsikn. Saya ada seorang kawan yg bernama "tutt", rahsia la..dia ni kn bnyk sngat problem dgn bf dia..tp dlm byk2 problem yg timbul tu dia ttp sayang juga..sy slalu juga kcian tengok dia. pernah ni dia mnangis ba tp indak tau la pasal apa, mungkin pasal bf dia kali tu..dorang mcm bergaduh lg..lgi-lagi brgaduh..but when i try to see it in a positive perception, i can see that through those chaos, we can mend our relationship if we try harder..according to our lecture, the positive dimension in a couple relationship will increase through time..so, the moral of the story is that 'it is common to see a couple to have some argument becoz that's the process of building a strong and beauty relationship' BUT if the same arguments occur unstoppable, then it is better to terminate it just like 'cabut gigi yg rosak'..

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