Today we have a rehaesel at SIB Pekan Tamparuli church. I was given a task to play Bass guitar. This is for the upcoming Konferensi Wanita SIB Sabah or in English "SIB Sabah Women Conference" event which is held anually. All people in this Praise n Worship team must be a women. Actually today was our 1st rehaesal and as expected, not everyone coming. And the bad thing is, one of our musician can't make it there because she was abroad. So, there only 3 of us as asinged to back up music (lead guitar, keyboard, bass,) without drum player for the singers. Music band is soo important in prise n worship team n our team today have not enough musician. So i already expected that without a complete team, the P&W will not going well or don't have the chemistry. before we start, we tried to ask the rest whether got any of them who can play drum. But none. Most of them are women aged above 30 to 40 years old. I actually have some little talent in playing some sort of music. At our church, i've play all those four instruments. So i decided to play drum n bass in rotation. That kinda weird but i hve to try otherwise the singers will get stuck or maybe they were stuck becos of me. I used four hands and four legs at that rehaesal. I pray to God that He will bless more women to have a talent in music in the future and me myself need to improve a lot for the sake of God Almighty and for the people who are hunger for the touch of GOD. Amen.