Hospital Ward matters | Boros Di Aralom

Isnin, 17 Mei 2010

Hospital Ward matters

Last Tuesday night, my mother admitted to HQE II hospotal..she got appendixx but not so serious la..i hve to stay there for 4dys 3Nghts..what a bored dayss..huhu..but the 1st night was not so bored because i met with a friend of mine from UMS, 2nd year students, and a psychology student me..we cit cat n watching tv (bored channel) the way, i would like to share little bit of what i observed there. the patients, doctors, nurses, staffs, and visitors as many characters..ok let's start with the patients..

CH** (no full name ok): well..she a chinese woman..age around 60+..she's sooo strong n active..she's gone out to ward lobby cit cat with other people in less than 2 hours after her head operation..huh..she said "i fell nothing, i wake up, suddenly i realise that my head tumor (small head skin tumor,,or whatever la) gone. I think i wanna go home"

NI****: She around 60+ too..a plastic surgery patient. she a bit stubborn when it come to medication..she said to her daughter "pahit ba ubat tu, cuba kmu rasa, kamu la mkn"..mana ada ubat tidak pahit kn..and she's funny too.

TA***: she's admitted to that ward a 3 days after my mother..mybe she is around 40 years old..transfered from Likas hospital and almost 2 months staying there..OMG..2 months!!..well, she's an indonesian married to Sabahan guy..second marriage..snd she have 12 kidssssss..12=dozen..huhu..she said that she has gone through a lot of bitter sweet in life..i can't describe the rest..i'll keep it in secret for's personal okay..

A DOCTOR: there's a doctor, very young doctor over there..that doctor don't have the skill to do, learn, are a doctor..luckily, there r many more experience nurses there to help the doctor to do injection..huhu..but not all of them like that..some young doctors r doing their job profesionally..

what else i want to share huh..there is another one but i'm not in good mood to type hot here..huhu..

p/s: doctor is a tough profession..

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