SMS from someone.. | Boros Di Aralom

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

SMS from someone..

Few days ago, i've read something posted by a blogger i follow..She wrote abt some text mesagges from unknown sender which asked her to stop 'kacau2' other boyfriend..but actually, that boy was her long2 time, it's okay for her to get close with that, today my post is something a bit similar with that situation but a bit different story la..last night, i got this text messages from someone i really do not know who..maybe he/she knows who i am n intentionally just want to 'kacau2' or 'korek' my secret..take a look:

sender: sy buat ni demi kita, sy tak mahu awk dn sy susah nti, kita perlu pakai
bnyk duit dalam beberapa bln akn dtg.

then i reply: siapa ni? (i was shock's kind of sudden..i don't really hve
idea who the hell this person is).

sender reply: awk main sms dgn sapa?

i reply: sy tak main dgn siapa2. tetiba ja sms awk dtg. Mgkin salah number..
(i answered honestly)

sender reply: apa yg awk ckp ni? bru 2 hari sy pergi awk dh main sms dh slh no...

i reply: (then i became angry and pissed off..) awk pergi mana pulak? kmu nak main2
dgn sy ka ni?

sender reply: mgkin sy tak cukup baik utk awk..

i reply: aik..ok surender da..kmu ckp la siapa kmu..

Text conversation over..this sender never reply again..maybe he got out of creadit or pissed off too..huhu

Adakah patut..ayoo..then i realise that this man are really got the wrong number..
AND..if some of you here or out there who just want to play2 with me, PLEASE don't do like this okay..I'll GOT HEART ATTACK..huhu..there r many other ways to make jokes but this one is something that unacceptable for me..maybe this joke is just okay for others but for me it is a joke that cross the line..

p/s: why i always got calls from someone who eventually say "sorry. wrong number"

1 ulasan:

Lazslo Gillie berkata...

well, fren...nx tym jan la di lyan sms or call frm stranger..just let it go la kan..hehe,..