Everything will be okay! | Boros Di Aralom

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Everything will be okay!

That's it. I've been trying to convince myself that everything will be okay eventhough that lots of it seems to be not okay. All things that come in my way are inevitable eventhough that I can't see it. Yes, it's true that i'm so stress right now but I keep trying to think positive. Now I know how it feels like when you are putting yourself out of your comfort zone. Everything will be hard if you think it is something hard to do and so the otherwise.

The hurdles are getting fewer and fewer and i can see the finish line over there. Just keep running and go for it. This is life. There are many options. All we have to do is just to make the wisest choice. Life is about choices and this is the choice I made. There's no turning back. I don't know whether i had made the right choice or not. I know i'm not really good in decision making so I have to learn from this experiences.

Right now, all I want is to get out from all these hurdles at the finish line. Huh!..

3 ulasan:

Jaw @ MyGamanBorNeo berkata...

Itu la ayat yang paling popular utk sesiapa saja utk motivasi diri ketika dlm situasi tertekan.

Admin berkata...

HI, dalam apa jua situasi, kita takkan tahu ia merupakan satu keputusan yang baik atau tidak selagi kita tak menghadapinya sendiri. Learns from experience ... :)

Knowing the choice is something, knowing whether is the best choice is something else ...

Bunga berkata...
