The chief of Los Angeles Unified Schools District police, Steve Zipperman, said the district's policy calls for random screening with metal detectors, to be determined by each school's principal.
"It is a possibility that the student who walked on with that backpack was not checked," Zipperman told reporters.
The arrested student, a senior whom authorities didn't identify, entered a health class Tuesday morning and set his backpack on a desk, Los Angeles Police Deputy Chief Patrick Gannon said.
When the backpack landed on the desk, the automatic handgun discharged, firing a single round that struck a girl in the temple and a boy in the neck, Zipperman said.
The student then fled, prompting a police search, Gannon said. Police were told the boy went to another classroom, and he was taken into custody about two hours after the shooting, Zipperman said.
Sumber: CNN news
Agaknya pelajar tu bawa pistol ke sekolah hanya sebagai tujuan keselamatan. Tapi ini lah yang dikatakan malang tidak berbau. Macam mana pulak dia boleh terlepas dari pemeriksaan keselamatan dari pihak sekolah tu ya? kata ada alat untuk mengesan logam, tapi budak ni boleh lepas. Buat kerja sambil lewa la tu. Walau pun US merupakan sebuah negara maju yang mempunyai tahap keselamatan yang tinggi, memang ada logiknya kenapa rakyat di negara itu perlu lebih berhati-hati apa lagi bila perkara sedemikian sering berlaku. Kes yang disengaja kan pun pernah gak berlaku. Kes yang tak disengajakan pun berlaku jugak. Ish..ish..ish.bukan kat US saja, tapi rakyat di seluruh dunia kena mengambil iktibar dari kejadian seumpama ini...huhu..
1 ulasan:
nasib baik negara kita xleh ade senjata sebarangan, haiz...klu x ramai musuh2 kyle dtg headshot, hehehe
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