The Difference Between Dating & Marriage | Boros Di Aralom

Rabu, 21 Disember 2011

The Difference Between Dating & Marriage

Dating and marriage are profoundly different ways of romantically interacting. The differences are fairly clear, but it is good to be reminded from time to time, in order to clarify whether you're dating, married or somewhere in between.

Marriage is an official act. People who get married generally have a ceremony to show their commitment to one another, but also sign a document that makes their union legal. People who are dating, on the other hand, do not have anything on paper. Rather, dating is just two people enjoying one another's company.

Clear Definition
Marriage is fairly clearly defined. In almost all cases, marriage involves monogamy and a lifelong devotion to the other person. Dating, on the other hand, is defined by the people who are dating. It may involve monogamy, and it may involve a long-term commitment, but it is up to the people who are dating rather than being subject to external rules.

The Difference Between Dating & Marriage

Marriage is much more serious than dating. This is because it comes with an agreement to share finances, usually have children and generally spend the rest of your lives together. Dating, on the other hand, covers everything else -- when you go on your first date with someone, you aren't generally planning your life with them. So, dating is much more casual than marriage.

Marriage, as a legal, official relationship, comes with a number of changes to both parties' legal status. For example, it is possible to file taxes as a married couple, whereas it is not possible to file taxes as a dating couple. Married couples can often get on the same health insurance plan as well, as well as a variety of other benefits. Basically, marriage is a state-sanctioned relationship where dating is not. (Source: Sam Grover) 

The Difference Between Dating & Marriage

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