Homemade Skin Care Treatment | Boros Di Aralom

Rabu, 28 Disember 2011

Homemade Skin Care Treatment

At home skin care treatments are fairly easy, and they save people money. Making homemade facial items helps you know exactly what it is that is going into the product you are putting on their skin. With homemade items there are no preservatives or chemicals that may cause irritation. You can use simple ingredients that may already be found in the kitchen to fight acne and aid in smoother skin. Facials are also a good way to relax, and using a few drops of a favorite essential oil mixed in can make a huge difference in your mood.

1. Whip the egg yolk using a fork until it is broken up. Egg helps smooth the skin, according to "The Body Shop Body Care Manual" (Behan, 2003). Simply imagine mixing it to use for scrambled eggs, without the egg whites. The egg whites are not useful because of their sticky consistency, which can make them drying to the skin

2. Add the teaspoon of olive oil to the egg yolk and the tablespoon of honey, warmed up, and mix together well. Olive oil is very moisturizing. It is also rich in fatty acids, which, according to "The Beauty Workbook", is healing for the skin.

3. Mix in a drop or two of a chosen essential oil. This step is optional. Add peppermint for revitalization or lavender for relaxation. Do not add more than two drops, as essential oils can cause discomfort to sensitive skin if used in excess, according to "The Beauty Bible".

4. Rub the mixed ingredients onto the face, avoiding the eye area and the lips. Put it on in a circular motion. Let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. This facial mask is safe enough for daily use, but can as easily be used once a week for a refresher.

*Now, you can save more money, and become more beautiful. That's fan-tas-tic!

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