Does your blogpost title attract more readers? | Boros Di Aralom

Jumaat, 30 Disember 2011

Does your blogpost title attract more readers?

One of the most important things you can do to draw traffic to your website is create titles that are effective and interesting. An interesting title will get a person to want to click the link to read the rest of the post, increasing the traffic on your site. Once they have clicked on the first link, other links with great titles will get the user to surf around and maybe bookmark your site or share it with their friends.

1. Tell people what they will gain by clicking your link. If what you are posting is providing people with valuable information, then they will be much more interested in investing time into what you have to say.

2. Ask an interesting question. For example, "Have You Seen [insert topic]?" Make the reader feel like they will either be the first person to know the answer to this question, or that everyone else knows the secret this question holds but them.

3. Use "buzz words" to get the attention of internet users. Words such as amazing, simple, quick, free and learn will catch the eye of a casual glance.

4. Use a joke or clever pun to get the user interested in your article. If you can make a person laugh, it is much easier to gain their favor. People love to send funny links to their friends, so a home-run joke can get your link to spread fast.

5. Include an element of controversy in your title. Whether the reader agrees or disagrees with you, they will be interested to follow your argument.

6. Use keywords to show up higher on search results. Keywords summarize what the post is about in two or three important terms. Keywords are not the place to put your name, your company or the title of your webpage.

But, bewareof using the title to hype  up the article into something it's not. The readers will be annoyed and as a result, they probably click 'X' on the top right side of your blog or website. And you back to sqare again. And be prepared for debate or criticism for your controversial title. (source)

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