Some simple steps to cope with holiday burnout | Boros Di Aralom

Khamis, 29 Disember 2011

Some simple steps to cope with holiday burnout

Holiday is almost over. Maybe some or many of us got holiday burnout. What's that? Holiday burnout is a sign that you're overdoing it and that you need to slow down. There's nothing about Christmas or any other holiday season that's worth exhausting all your inner resources. Once you've had a break from the holiday preparations, you can get back into the swing of things with renewed vigor.

1. Take some time for yourself. Take a nap. Meditate. Curl up with a good book or magazine. Soak in a hot bathtub for an hour or two. Drop by your local coffee shop for a latte. Ride a bicycle or take a stroll through the park. Many of us have been trained to believe that activities like these are selfish. The truth is that they're essential to our physical, emotional and mental well-being.

2. Listen to music. If you feel that you need soothing and winding down, listen to classical music, meditation music or smooth jazz. However, if you feel that you're in the mood for a release, listen to some rock, pop, electronica or alternative music. Dancing and singing can also make you feel energized again.

3. Determine which holiday projects are really essential and which aren't. You'll need to put up the Christmas tree, buy presents and wrap them. However, you don't have to decorate your home to win a contest. You don't have to make all handmade ornaments in only a week. Some projects can be abandoned to foster your health and well-being.

4. Ask for help from your friends and family. Delegate some of the holiday responsibilities to them. For example, have your family do some of the cleaning. Ask them to help wrapping presents that aren't for them. Have them assist with the preparation of the holiday meal.

5. Put on some holiday music to provide inspiration and make chores more pleasant. This is especially helpful while making crafts, wrapping presents and decorating a Christmas tree. Incorporate the tasks into miniature holiday parties with your spouse and kids. Share some cookies, eggnog or hot chocolate while you're working. (Source)

Those are the tips to cope with holiday burnout. 

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